Ancient Baltimore Lodge #234 AF&AM
What to expect next
Step 1
The Grand Lodge of Maryland will forward your application to our membership committee. A member of our committee will contact you to setup a casual meeting to answer any questions you might have about Masonry or the Ancient Baltimore Lodge. At the meeting the application process, membership dues, and formal petition process to join our lodge will be explained.
The review process
Step 2
Once you submit a petition to our lodge, the petition will be read at our next lodge meeting. The petition will then be forwarded to the Grand Lodge where it will be held for 30 days so that any that need to can review it. During that time, the Grand Lodge will perform a criminal background check to ensure you are eligible to be a mason.
What happens next
Step 3
At the next Lodge Meeting after 30 days have passed, members of the lodge will vote on the petition. If a favorable vote is received, you will be invited to the next lodge meeting where we will confer the first degree of Freemasonry, Entered Apprentice, on you.
After you receive your Entered Apprentice degree, an instructor will be assigned to you. That instructor will help you learn the necessary lessons of Freemasonry, while also helping you learn your catechism. Advancement to the next degree is dependent on a successful recitation of catechism in lodge.
That process is then repeated two more times for the next two degrees of Masonry, Fellowcraft and Master Mason. After successful recitation of your third and final catechism, you will be a full fledged Master Mason with all the duty and privilege that entails.